Developing Leaders

About the Program

NAIOP NTX‘s Developing Leaders program provides young commercial real estate professionals, age 35 and under, an opportunity to build and grow the relationships, skills, and knowledge required to become the next generation of successful industry leaders.

DL Member Benefits

Access to NTX commercial real estate leaders

Monthly networking events (educational, happy hour and volunteer opportunities)

Connect with peers in the commercial real estate industry

Play a key role in delivering our annual Comedy Night and Spring Concert

DL Contacts

Dani Veeder Nicholas

Austin Commercial

Zach Stull

Urban Logistics Realty

Tony Maclin

IDI Logistics

Bryce Adams

Holt Lunsford

Beth Copeland

Communications Chair
CLX Ventures

Jenkins Bender

Membership Chair
Stream Realty

Chris Martin

Membership Vice Chair
Provident Realty

Erin Mullen

Sponsorship Chair
Bank of Texas

Logan Shrout

Sponsorship Vice Chair
ML Realty Partners

Andi Hertling

Programs Committee
Republic Title

Ryan Soule

Programs Vice Chair
Brookfield Properties

Matt Peterson

Programs Vice Chair
Estacado Interests

Randy Blankenship

Philanthropy Chair
Foundry Commercial

Frances Tubb

Philanthropy Vice Chair
Munsch Hardt Kopf & Harr, P.C.

Ryan Viscusi

Philanthropy Vice Chair

Lori Stone

Board Advisor
Executive Director NAIOP NTX